Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Pork Menudo (Diced Pork in Tomato Sauce)-$5

In pre-revolutionary Mexico, poverty among the campesinos was chronic, and little if anything that might be prepared as food was left to waste. Usually, the best cuts of meat would go to the hacienda owners while the offal went to the peasants. These leftovers consisted of organ meats, brains, head, tails, hooves, etc. As cattle and sheep are ruminants that require lengthy intestinal tracts to digest their diet of grasses and raw seeds, the stomach is one of the largest pieces of offal available from these animals.
Menudo also refers to an entirely different dish made in the Philippines. This dish, in contrast, is made of garlic, onions, diced pork chops, pork liver, diced potato, diced carrots, green bell peppers, soy sauce and tomato sauce, and seasoned with salt and pepper while it is cooked. Filipino menudo will usually contain tripe though common variants will include chickpeas, red peppers and raisins.
Menudo (from Latin minūtus) also means "small, thin, worthless, vulgar, (money) change, tripe, and tithe from small orchards".
It is unknown if the soup came to be known as menudo, since it was made up of tripe, or if any of the other meanings, which are many, have something to do with it.
Menudo is eaten for breakfast and is known as the "Breakfast of Champions" in New Mexico, Texas and Oklahoma.

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