Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sinagang na Baboy (Pork/Vege Soup with Vinegar)-$5

Sinigang (pork in sour soup) is one of my favorite viands. The more sour the soup, the better! And you can have a variety of souring agents: tomatoes, sampaloc, miso.It is rather work-intensive as you have to submerge the sampaloc in boiling water and mash it up and squeeze it to get the sourness into the water. But thanks to the instant sampaloc mixes, we can have the goodness of sinigang at less time. Still, nothing beats the real thing! But it's good enough to suit the busy lifestyle.

Pinakbet (Mixed Vegetables in Philippine Style)-$6

Pinakbet according to Gilda Cordero-Fernando in Philippine Food and Life is a vegetable dish known all over the Philippines, but which no one cooks as deliciously as the Ilokanos. The Ilokanos say they can tell if a pinakbet was prepared by an Ilokano or not. Pampangos and Tagalogs cut ampalaya (bitter gourd), the main ingredient of pinakbet, into quarters and this, Ilokanos feel, allows too much water and salt in, which shrinks and toughens the vegetable. Ilokanos cut the ampalaya of their pinakbet lengthwise, and only on one side, leaving the opposite side uncut, like a hotdog bun, so that it opens like a hinge. In addition, Ilokanos include a bit of the stem in the last slice of the eggplant which is cut in four halfway through so it opens like a flower.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Inihaw na Atay (Grilled Pig Liver)-$5

Grilled Pig's Liver... a 'MUST' for beer drinkers !!

Balun Balunan-Fried Chicken Gizzard-$5

One of the Filipino's Love with Beer !! Chicken Gizzard done in Grilled Stlye or Fried !! Hang out with friends n this will be the perfect snack of the moment !!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Grilled Chicken Wings-$5

Birds are among the oldest foods we know, hunted by humans in the days when we foraged - desperate for food. The turkey, symbol of holidays in the United States, is a native of the Americas and is less popular in Europe.
But the chicken is everywhere. There is no country in the world that does not have recipes for the ubiquitous chicken. They are among the first animals man domesticated and are easily grown side by sides with humans, even on small plots of land. The agricultural revolution made chicken popular, but it is easy to develop a special taste for quail or other game birds.

Inihaw na Baboy (grilled pork belly)-$6

Marinated in white vinegar, soy sauce and black pepper. This dish will send you to heavens. Or simply a good appetizer/snack with beer !!! The luxury of the filipinos !! ma ma mia !

Adidas (grilled chicken feet)-$5

In the Philippines, street food vendors can be found grilling marinated chicken feet that are playfully nicknamed "Adidas" (three toes = three stripes). Similarly, grilled chicken heads are referred to as "helmets," and pig ears are known as the ever-so-80's "Walkman".